Actes de colloque en ligne

Antunes D., Tunes Mazon M., Cardoso de Mello J.M. - The economic possibilities of technological progress: business restructuring and the labor market in the 21st century - télécharger

Bibow J. - In the long run we still can possibly all “live wisely and agreeably and well” - télécharger

Cingolani M. – Le socialisme libéral italien : Rosselli, Calogero et les autres - télécharger

Contento de Oliveira G. - Economic possibilities for future generations: lessons from John Maynard Keynes for the 21st century - télécharger

Cordonnier L. - Profit in zero-growth capitalism: the role and design of the dividend channel - télécharger

Cunha M.L., Deaos S. - Does Brazil exercise its monetary sovereignty? An analysis of the Brazilian macroeconomic policy from 2011 to 2022 in light of the MMT - télécharger

Feres L.P., Palludeto A.W., Dias H.R. - Financialization and labor discipline in contemporary capitalism - télécharger

Fillieule R. - Aggregate profit: A comparison between Kalecki’s theory and a Hayekian approach - télécharger

Geraldini B., Justus M. - Multiplier effect of social security during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from Brazil’s Emergency Aid program - télécharger

Haas A., Guter-Sandu A., Murau S. - Times of branching? The BRICS currency initiative and twelve possible futures for the international monetary system - télécharger

Hein E. - Inflation is always and everywhere … a conflict phenomenon: post-Keynesian inflation theory and energy price driven conflict inflation - télécharger

Jespersen J. - Keynes in transition: ‘The Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren’ - télécharger

Largentaye A. – The French translation of The General Theory: Lessons for Keynes' s Grandchildren - télécharger

Largentaye A. – La traduction française de la Théorie générale : leçons pour les petits-enfants de Keynes - télécharger

Largentaye H. - Jean de Largentaye, a nonconformist economist - télécharger

Largentaye H., Ussher L. – Commodity basket standards for currencies from the 1930s to the 21st century: Keynes, Graham, Kaldor, Largentaye and Lietaer - télécharger

Manna J.V., Saes A.M. - Furtado and Kaldor: The interactions between the Latin American structuralist approach and the Cambridge School - télécharger

Mathieu C., Sterdyniak H. - Réforme des règles budgétaires dans la zone euro : Beaucoup de bruit pour rien - télécharger

Potvin J. - Earth Reserve Assurance (ERA): A Framework for Sound Money - télécharger

Pouchol M. – Les convictions de Keynes à la lumière du présent - télécharger

Skott P. - Conflict inflation: Keynesian path dependency or Marxian cumulation? - télécharger

Slavova D. - Keynes “Possibilities” Implemented in the EU Trade Policy Today - télécharger

Sokolova N.V. – The economic policies and sustainable finance – Challenges and problems - télécharger

Sterdyniak H. - Sur l’organisation de la transition écologique - télécharger

Vallageas B. – Business accounting, SFC models in prices and income-value - télécharger

Whitaker Wolf P.J. - The importance of ‘Welfare Intestate Organizations’: The case of the European Union and its response to the COVID-19 crisis - télécharger

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